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No Spray Program

Public Works begins its annual roadside spraying program to control weeds along county roads in the spring. Roads are sprayed 2-4 feet from the edge of the road in order to control encroachment of plant growth on the asphalt surface. Spraying of noxious weeds and roadside vegetation, including blackberries, is done throughout the year, and extends to the far side of any ditching. Homeowners who do not want chemical sprays adjacent to their property must assume responsibility for controlling weeds along the roadway and enter into a No Spray Agreement with the County.

No Spray Agreement

This is an annual agreement whereby the County will not spray herbicides along the roadway, or along the ditch line in front of your property. In exchange, you agree to be responsible for vegetation control on your property frontage. Please read the No Spray letter and complete the Vegetation Control Permit and Vegetation Control Liability Release form. Completed forms need to be returned to Public Works.

Dates for 2025 No Spray Program

No Spray letters emailedReturn forms by email or mail no later thanPost No Spray signs no later than
January 23, 2025March 3, 2025March 17, 2025

Forms can be returned by mail or email


Benton County Public Works
360 SW Avery Ave
Corvallis, OR 97333-1192


If you no longer want to participate or are interested in a modified spray program, (for example: spraying for noxious weeds but not roadside grasses), please call our office at 541-766-6012.

Vegetation Control Information and Forms

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