SW 53rd Street Railroad Overpass Project
SW 53rd Street Railroad Overpass Project
The SW 53rd St Railroad Overpass Project is a program headed by the Benton County Engineering department to solve a long-standing issue at the railroad crossing trestle on SW 53rd St in Corvallis.
The street currently passes underneath the railroad trestle, causing a low point in the road which results in flooding during rainy periods.
Current design and planning is intended to reroute traffic away from the trestle. The project was first proposed in 1988 and has been delayed several years due to funding issues. The project was awarded Metropolitan Planning Organization funds through the Federal Transit Administration.
The project is currently on hold while resources and further design is completed.
Learn more about the project here:

This rendering, provided by David Evans Engineering, illustrates the proposed overpass that will route traffic over the railroad and away from the low section of SW 53rd St.
Want to know more about the project?
Contact the project team.